Transforming Minds:
LLM GPTs and the Future
of Self-esteem and Identity

Young female thinking about her future.

Transforming Minds: LLM GPTs and the Future of Self-esteem and Identity

Explore the revolutionary impact of LLM GPTs on mind and personal development in 'Transforming Minds'.

This compelling book provides an in-depth look at how AI is reshaping therapeutic processes and notions of self-esteem and identity in the age of intelligent machines.

We delve into the profound implications for Self-esteem and Identity in an age where AI not only augments human knowledge but also influences our development of self understanding and consciousness.

'Transforming Minds' addresses the critical role of AI in fostering a new era of self-help, where technology and human intelligence converge to create unprecedented growth experiences.

It's a must-read for anyone interested in the future of humankind and the evolving concept of Self in the AI-augmented world.

The Human Mind Transformed in
AI Machine World

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